Never settle for vanilla love again
Swipe thousands of hot, eager mods until you find the one (or many ) for you!

CupidForge is the dating app for people who would choose a 2-hour mod shopping spree over a boring date any day of the week.

Create meaningful moments with pixels from around the world, interact with real-life UI or UX changes and live your life the way you want to: inside a video game modded to your liking. 

Start swiping

Stop being lonely, there is a mod for that!
Fall in love with  cupidforge tonight!

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Ok, Ok, you got us.

"CupidForge" was only an April's Fools joke. But if you actually got excited about the idea of a Tinder-styled mod manager (without CupidForge's horrible features), check out this awesome "CC Swiper" made by GameTimeDev!